Authentication Realms

The realm parameter is used by SNAPconnect when forming TCP connections. The value is passed to the authentication functions for accepting and connecting TCP. In versions of SNAPconnect prior to 3.2, this field would always take on the value “SNAPcom.” With the addition of remote sniffers in SNAPconnect 3.2, the realm value can now be used to distinguish between regular TCP connections and remote sniffer TCP connections.

If desired, the realm parameter may be ignored in your client and server authentication functions and the login information for all connection types will be shared.


Standard SNAP over TCP Connections
This realm will be passed to authentication functions when connect_tcp() is used to create a connection between SNAPconnect instances. The parameter sniffer_callback should be set to None when creating a standard TCP connection.


Remote Sniffer connection over TCP

This realm will be passed to authentication functions when connect_tcp() is used to create a remote sniffer connection between SNAPconnect instances. The parameter sniffer_callback should be set to a callable function when creating a remote sniffer TCP connection.

This realm will only be used if accept_sniffer() has been called in addition to accept_tcp().