Global Options

SNAPtoolbelt commands are nested. Global options must come after the initial toolbelt, but before the first subcommand. These options can be used with all commands.

toolbelt [global-options] subcommand ...


-p <profile>, --profile <profile>

Specify which profile you want to use, default is the default.


-n <network>, --network <network>

Specify which network you want to use, default is the default.

Output Formats

-o json, --output-format json

The only supported output format is JSON:

{"": 8, "": "0xbbbb", "device.core": "2.7.1", "device.feature-bits": "0x001f", "device.platform": "SS200", "device.script-crc": "0xf50d"}

To transform the output into other formats, use tools like jq or Miller.

Alternative Config DB

--rcfile <path-to-config-db>

By default, SNAPtoolbelt uses ~/.snap/toolbelt_config.db to store its configuration. You can specify an alternative path using the --rcfile option.